Pilates Mindbody Connection

“Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit.”  This is one of my favorite quotes by Joseph Pilates.  What he is saying is that Pilates is more than just great core, posture, balance and mobility work, when done properly it is a way to connect the mind, body and spirit.  So often we are busy not only physically, running from one thing to the next but we are mentally and emotionally exhausted.  It’s super hard to allow the mind to focus on what’s in front of us and to be present.  

Now maybe you are wondering, how can Pilates get me to connect my movement with my brain?  I honestly think if you are truly focused on the breathe and controlling each move with the proper muscles you can get to a place where you are in the moment.  Mastering the breathing is not always a priority for every client and I can understand why, it hard and it’s takes concentration to move and breathe properly at the same time.  But let me challenge you to work on the breathe in class because not only is it helpful for the mindbody connection but it can be a very beneficial tool to stress management.   

High Fives & Hugs,


TPS Columbus